Happy 4th of July!!!

16,000 Firecrackers, bundled and hanging from a pipe pole. Forget rolling the whole roll out, it's better to just tape it together and let 'em all blow up!Link
"Never hit anything out of anger, unless you are absolutely sure you can get away with it." - Stripes (1984)
16,000 Firecrackers, bundled and hanging from a pipe pole. Forget rolling the whole roll out, it's better to just tape it together and let 'em all blow up!Link
Since 2000, six visitor deaths have been reported at the Disney World theme parks.Link
It was among the fastest, most efficient production cars ever built. It ran on electricity, produced no emissions and catapulted American technology to the forefront of the automotive industry. The lucky few who drove it never wanted to give it up. So why did General Motors crush its fleet of EV1 electric vehicles in the Arizona desert?Link
CLAW blimey! Louie Smith, 16, shows off the monster lobster he caught while fishing from a pier. It weighed 11lbs 3oz and could be 100 years old.
The story has a good ending, he let it go...
LinkThe 4 charts show the locations of over 50,000 captures of 4 whale species; sperm whales (36,908), right whales (8,415), humpback whales (2,883) and bowhead whales(5,114). Capture locations were transcribed from North American (“Yankee”) pelagic whale vessel log books dating from 1761 to 1920 and plotted onto nautical charts in a Mercator projection by a cartographer.Link
Cook grew up with a brother and five sisters in Arlington, Mass., graduating from high school in 1990, skipping college to do six nights a week of stand-up in local clubs. Soon he was earning $100 a night. In 1995 his manager secretly invited ABC network execs to a New York gig, which led to a pilot for a hidden-camera reality show. It wasn't picked up, but Cook got $75,000.Link
Known as "Broadway Joe" for a flashy style (which included wearing full-length fur coats on the sidelines) that would have put him right at home in downtown New York, Namath's brilliance was on display on the field as well.Link
Namath's New York Jets of the AFL were 18-point underdogs to the NFL-champion Baltimore Colts, but on the Thursday before the game, while lying on a lounge chair in Miami, Namath guaranteed a Jets victory. He then went out and threw for 206 yards, leading the Jets to a 16-7 win.
AN INQUIRER READER attending a conference in Japan was sat just feet away from a laptop computer that suddenly exploded into flames, in what could have been a deadly accident.Link
ATLANTA - Patsy Ramsey, whose 6-year-old daughter JonBenet's 1996 slaying has never been solved, died Saturday of cancer, her lawyer said. She was 49.I find it hard to believe that someone would break into a house, strangle a child, leave a ransom note, and then never get accused or caught...
JonBenet was found beaten and strangled in her parents' Boulder, Colo. basement on Dec. 26, 1996. A grand jury investigation ended with no indictments, and no arrests have been made.
The Ramseys said an intruder killed their daughter but a cloud of suspicion hung over the couple.
Patsy Ramsey said she found a ransom note on the back staircase of the family's home demanding $118,000 for the safe return of JonBenet. John Ramsey said he found his daughter's body in a basement room, wrapped in a white blanket eight hours later.
An autopsy concluded JonBenet suffered a skull fracture, and was strangled and beaten.
"This group was more aspirational than operational," FBI Deputy Director John Pistole said. But Attorney General Alberto Gonzales described the men as "homegrown terrorists" who "view their home country as the enemy."
Neighbors who watched the men's vigorous exercise regime said the group appeared to be training for something. One of its members was always standing guard outside the small, windowless warehouse in the blighted Liberty City neighborhood.
How do we know they weren't Jehova's Witnesses?
...they were trying to do community service in the area where they grew up, studying martial arts to keep in shape and setting a good example for neighborhood kids.
That does it! NO alleged aspirational terrorists should be setting any examples for any kids!
Officials at the 110-floor Sears Tower said it was business as usual Friday. The building, the tallest skyscraper in North America, has received numerous threats since Sept. 11, but officials said they have never found evidence of a credible threat that went beyond criminal discussions.I hope it was "business as usual on Friday", there was NO reason for it to be different. There was no threat to the Sears Tower and there NEVER has been. All the records are sealed so we will never know. Do you see those two FBI guys in the pic above? Those are the true terrorists!
England's footballers' wives raised the roof singing "God Save the Queen" as they drank until 4am last night. The players' wives and girlfriends - dubbed the WAGs - danced on chairs and belted out football chants in a bar in Baden-Baden. An onlooker said: "The girls had a great night. They were in celebratory mood because England are through and they know they are going to be here for a while.Link
Treasure Island, a Las Vegas hotel and casino, has installed a system utilizing RFID to track the amount and type of liquor its bartenders pour. Whenever a bartender pours a drink, the tipping of the bottle turns on both the tag and the measuring device, allowing the spout to measure the volume of liquor poured (in ounces) before the employee tips the bottle back up.Link
The monastery dates back over 1400 years to the Northern Wei Dynasty. However, most of what you see today are reconstructions made during the Ming (1368-1644) and Qing (1644-1911) Dynasties.Link
Labels: Architecture and Buildings
This page is 9 quadrillion pixels wide by 9 quadrillion pixels tall. Thus it contains a large number of pixels:Link
otherwise known as 8.1 nonillion. In scientific notation, that's 8.1x10^30, hereafter shown in the form 8.1e30.
A large number of the people that went to Germany to watch the Fifa's World Cup could not got hold of tickets to get into the stadiums. We are talking about roughly 40,000 people. This is the Frankfut's solution for these people to watch the games.Link
In one incident a seven-year-old boy was punched in the head while he played football with his father in Edinburgh. In another a disabled man was dragged from his car, which was flying an England flag, in Aberdeen and given a black eye.Link
For more than a decade, mushroom clouds often rose toward the sky. Winds routinely carried radioactive fallout to communities in Utah, Nevada, and northern Arizona. Meanwhile, news media dutifully conveyed U.S. Atomic Energy Commission announcements to downwind residents: "There is no danger."Link
Using microscopic earphones and wireless devices, Chinese students upped the ante in the high-tech battle to counter cheating during university entrance exams this month, putting some in hospital as a result.Link
This powerful maternal instinct in non-human Primates is evidently well-documented. I witnessed an example on a recent visit to South Africa's Kruger National Park. In this case it was a Chacma baboon carrying the remains of a dead infant on its back, refusing to part with its baby in spite of the advanced state of decomposition.Link
One of the lighter moments in the Airbus technical press briefing that took place this week in Toulouse was the release of the first images of the first rabbit to outrun an A380.Link
"We're not shooting a lot of balls on the goal," US coach Bruce Arena said. "Other teams have taken advantage of these chances better than we have."Well, it's kinda hard when the Italian guys are elbowing you in the face!
Fans of Norwegian whaling were triumphant Monday after the International Whaling Commission (IWC) approved a resolution that may finally make Norway's controversial annual whale hunt legal.Very sad.
The new ‘Fan of the Match’ award will celebrate the passion of colourful supporters at every FIFA World Cup game in Germany. We will then also give football fans around the world to chance to vote for the ‘Fan of the Tournament’ among the chosen winners here in the Hyundai Fan Corner.Link
Brazilian soccer legend Pele holds World Cup Trophy, as German model Claudia Schiffer watches, during World Cup 2006 Opening Ceremony in Munich.Link
This is the best shot we’ve had at the World Cup in years and we want to do everything we can to help England on their way…Link
Drum Tech, Stage Set Up, Computer Wizard, Insanely Intelligent, Was twice a problem as a child, Highly evolved old soul with a love of his lady and a passion for swords. And his own written language!
His real name is Michael Oliver and apparently he's very smart. His nickname is PC and I'm sure that stanks for, well it's obvious by now isn't it?
(#8) Showing extreme foresight and good judgment (which is more than I can say for Sandra Bullock), passed on an easy $10 million payday to star in Speed 2, because he didn’t think the script was any good. And he was right. Tell me again why people think he’s stupid?Always keep your eye on the guy that admits he's dumb. They're usually really smart!
(#11) A personal quote: “I’m a meathead, man. You’ve got smart people, and you’ve got dumb people. I just happen to be dumb.” At least the man is brave enough to admit who he is.
Two "football babes" pose to promote house sales at a real estate show in Wuxi, east China's Jiangsu Province June 16, 2006. An estate company, hoping to cashing in on the World Cup fever, invited the "football babes" to the show in order to attract more visitors, and hopefully, more home buyers. [Xinhua]Link
KAISERSLAUTERN, Germany - They lumbered from end to end, desperate to stop the blue surge of Italian players and salvage their World Cup.USA, USA, USA!!!!! Okay, okay, the Italian guy accidentally kicked the ball in for us but it would have went in anyway!!! Go team!
And in the end, with players dropping to field in exhaustion, the United States managed a wild 1-1 tie Saturday night that gave the Americans their first-ever World Cup point in Europe and a chance to advance to the tournament's second round.
They'll need a win and some help, but the Americans are still players on the World Cup stage. Even if they needed an own-goal to tie the Italians.
The adventure, if successful, would set a world record for distance traveled on a personal watercraft. Marais and du Plessis, both from Pretoria, South Africa, say they'll follow the west coast of North America south to the Panama Canal before crossing to the Atlantic Ocean and heading up to Miami.It's probably going to be a beautiful journey, but I'd rather fly...