My Neighborhood

Labels: Architecture and Buildings, houston
"Never hit anything out of anger, unless you are absolutely sure you can get away with it." - Stripes (1984)
Labels: Architecture and Buildings, houston
The General received only mediocre reviews upon its release. It was not one of Keaton's biggest box office successes, which disappointed him as he considered it to be the best of all his movies. Audiences and critics would later agree with him after re-considering the film, and it is now considered a major classic of the silent era.
1. Examine how you perceived a certain situation and how you can chose to change your perception. Remember that the thoughts we think create the feelings, and it is our perception that creates our interpretations of the situation.Link
2. Accept yourself and your humanness - you are not supposed to be perfect.
3. Admit when you make a mistake.
4. Remember that everybody is doing the best they can with what they know, and that includes you.
5. Let go of past-future thinking, stay in the ‘Now.’
6. Confront your emotional pain - own your own ‘stuff.’
7. Appreciate the lessons that have contributed to your growth and made you who you are now.
8. Say ‘I forgive myself for ____________ (whatever).’
Labels: Architecture and Buildings, houston
Labels: houston
Labels: Architecture and Buildings, houston, photoshop
Super Penis - The men of TW have very strong wangs (no pun intended).These links are from me. Enjoy:
Betel nut girls - Some dude visits two betel nut chicks. The second one is hot but not very friendly. Happy ending!
Pole dancers and betel nut girls - Sounds like some German chick narrating over a nicely edited slideshow.
Sexy Taiwan Ponytail Girl - LinkTechnorati tags: need, girlfriend, parents, worried, not cool
Sexy Taiwan Game Show - Link
Sexy Taiwanese (N. Korean?) Girl - Link
Labels: Architecture and Buildings
Together we won the first round in the battle for Net freedom. But the phone and cable giants are launching a counterattack. We need to raise the alarm and send a clear message to our new Congress: Make Net Neutrality the Law in 2007!Link
Cryptozoology is the search for animals that are rumored to exist, but for which conclusive proof is missing. This includes the search for living examples of animals that are known to have existed at one time, but are widely considered to be extinct today.Link
Ravel's Bolero played by Stringfever, a quartet of electric strings players, on one cello.Link
Labels: classical music
"The colossal squid has just arrived in New Zealand and it is likely that it is the first intact adult male colossal squid to ever be successfully landed," Mr Anderton said.Link
1001 free fonts first opened its doors in December 1998 and has since grown to become the most popular free fonts archive online. We receive more than 35,000 visitors daily and we have been visited by over 50,000,000 visitors since 1998. Over 750,000,000 cool fonts have been downloaded since 1998.Link
Labels: photoshop
A monkey has a microchip in its brain which allows it to move a robotic arm as if it were its real arm.Link
It is a faith that has melded the teachings of erudite philosophers with traditional fables, the rituals of secret societies, magic, alchemy, psychology, rural superstitions and even lovemaking techniques into an esoteric canon that is very much alive today.Link
Plug your guitar into your amp and you tap directly into nearly a century of living musical legacy. From Robert Johnson to the White Stripes, Ray Charles to Kanye West, Led Zeppelin to The Strokes, BB King to John Mayer and the Rolling Stones to Wolfmother, the blues is the common thread that connects them all.Kanye West? The Strokes? Blues? Here is a video of me playing guitar.
In April 2003, as if the life of a doughy teenager named Ghyslain weren't hard enough, one of his fellow students found it, digitized it, and placed the clip online. Since then, it has been viewed 900 million times.Link
At 4:30 p.m. on April 21, after scout Deaf Smith announced the burning of Vince's Bridge (cutting off the primary avenue of retreat for both armies), the main Texan battle line moved forward.
The Texan army moved quickly and silently across the high-grass plain, and then, when they were only a few dozen yards away, charged Santa Anna's camp shouting "Remember the Alamo!" and "Remember Goliad!," only stopping a few yards from the Mexicans to open fire. Confusion ensued.
Labels: houston
While the FBI continues to encourage the public to submit information regarding the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, this form may also be used to report any suspected criminal activity to the FBI.Make sure you fill in your full name when reporting your friend or neighbor.
A place for artists to download and vote for the best custom photoshop brushes and photoshop patterns on the internet!Link
Labels: photoshop
Village residents from the Rostov region of Russia caught a weird creature two weeks ago after a strong storm in the Sea of Azov. The shark-looking creature was producing strange squeaky sounds.The link to the video is here. This is the link to the ariticle.
However, ufologists and scientists were greatly disappointed when they found out that the fishermen had eaten the monster.
Words that sound alike or look alike (moral/morale) often confuse students, especially those using spell checkers. This lengthy list of commonly confused words with simple definitions will help you decide which spelling fits your sentence.If English is your native language and you are attending (or have attended) college, and you do not know these words, you should probably repeat High School.
their - possessive form of "they"
there - in that place
they're - contraction for "they are"
through - finished; into and out of
threw - past tense of "to throw"
thorough - complete
to - toward
too - also; very (used to show emphasis)
two - number following one
If you click on "forum" there is a video clip on the bottom of that page that will try and vaguely explain The Secret. If you ask me it sounds like a crafty way to seperate a fool and his money.Some people post hints about the secret:
The first step is to write out a script of the current circumstances of any situation you wish to change. Read it and circle any sentence that is not to your liking. Rewrite a new script making changes to the sentences that you circled, changing them to your liking. Read this new script over and over.....
The Secret Store provides some clues. For example, you can get a secret lamp for only $49.95.Place the beautiful Genie lamp in a position where you will look at it many times during the day. Let it be the most wonderful reminder to you to think thoughts only of what you want, and to know that the Grand Genie of the Universe is serving you in every moment of your life. The Secret Lamp is your real-life Aladdin's Lamp.
There's even a forum.
Here's part 1 of "Horse Feathers", the Marx Brothers' fourth movie and their second one written directly for the screen. At 68 minutes, it's their shortest movie, but easily one of their funniest.Part two
Here we have part one of "Monkey Business" (1931), the Marx Brothers' third movie, and the first one which was an original screenplay and not based on a stage play. This first Marx Brothers screenplay was written by none other than S. J. Perelman, in collaboration with Will B. Johnstone. In addition to the Brothers themselves, this is one of two Marx movies co-starring the lovely and legendary Thelma Todd.Part two
The name of Groucho Marx's character, "S. Quentin Quayle", caused a stir when the film was first released due to the subtle but clear joke: the use of the term "San Quentin quail", which means "jail bait".I went west last year and spent six months in Las Vegas. It didn't work out so now I'm back in my hometown. Houston is a good town for a laid-back, old soul, like me. Enjoy your Thursday.
1. Sleeping with your head: North-strengthens physical health;South-deepens sleep; East-helps you wake up quickly; West-slows life down which is good for stressed adults or energetic kids.
2. Clean up! When your bedroom is cluttered and untidy, the energy in there will be low and slow. Clutter is a sure sign that chi is stuck, so roll up your sleeves and clean the place up if you want to jump-start your love life.
3. Lose the mirror. Mirrors brighten a space and make it more "awake". If you have mirrored closet doors, hang a curtain in front to cover them in the evening.
4. Chi tends to travel between the door and any windows, so avoid positioning your bed in line with this ‘draught’ of chi.
5. A television in the bedroom makes romance and restful sleep decline.
6. The bedroom should be as far away as possible from the front door.
7. Never ever wear outdoor shoes into your bedroom.
8. Don't have your home office or excercise equipment there, it brings the energy of hard work and exertion into your romance space.
9. A mattress should ideally be at least 18 inches above the floor.
10. Keep your belongings organized in the bedroom and get rid of what you no longer use. Congested or chaotic homes don't lend themselves to creative pursuits because there's no room to be creative; there is no space for new things to happen because that space is taken up by all the old stuff.
Labels: photoshop