What has happened to us?

Chicago Police confirmed Thursday that they have launched investigations into suspicious activity outside Sears Tower and Boeing's world headquarters in recent months.
Even though:
...they have found no evidence of preparations for an attack in Chicago after examining more than 100 reports of suspicious activity since 9/11.Are you scared yet? Keep reading:
"Law enforcement authorities have told Sears Tower officials that they have found no credible threats against Sears Tower since 9/11," said Mark Spencer, a building spokesman.Yet:
Chicago Police are continuing to investigate another report of a man standing outside Boeing's world headquarters and making sketches in early February, Caluris said. The man told security officials he was an art student. Caluris said police still want to find the man and interview him.I can remember a time in America when it was perfectly legal to sit in public and sketch. Now it seems that "sketchers" (or artists that sketch) will be hunted down and "interviewed." Is this really happening? Is THIS what it has come to?
UPDATE: This article has been removed from the Chicago Sun Times database. So much for fair and balanced, unbiased reporting.
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