They didn’t start off that way but it has certainly gotten to that point. They are now turning over information to the government and who knows where that could lead?
Well now it turns out there are group of ex-Google employees, many of whom were high-level managers, who cashed out their millions in stock options after working there and quit for greener pastures, and who now don't give a shit what anyone thinks. And they're speaking their minds on the Xooglers blog.
This past Friday after the market closed they basically posted "Anyone buying Google stock now is a moron. You have no voting rights, no dividend claims, no nothing. Google's stock is designed from the ground up to be the largest scam job in the history of Wall Street." (slightly paraphrased, but you get the gist)
This guy has created a website to keep you up to date on the latest happenings at the world’s worst company (besides Wal-Mart of course).
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