First Martha Stewart, Now Sam’s Club?

Not only has the concept of “The Apprentice” grown weak and stale, but also they are now consorting with known American Villains like Sam’s Club. What the hell is this Trump guy thinking?
I watched the new episode last night and is it me or does this show really suck now?! The whole premise has grown tired and completely watered down. At least Mark Burnett has been tweaking “Survivor” to keep it fresh and surprising. Why are they letting Trump’s show continue to suck?
As always you meet a great group of young people with extremely lofty credentials, on the top end of the physical attraction scale. They seem very impressive upon first introduction, then you see them in action and they are complete idiots with no clue of how to set up a business plan of action. If these people are so successful with their lives and educations why do they need a job with Donald Trump? Oh, that’s right. The joy of Fame.
Not only that, but now I see that DT is putting his own no-talent daughter into the spotlight replacing Carolyn on the next episode (next Monday). What credentials does that stupid bitch have to sit in judgment of would-be entrepreneurs? Because she’s daddy’s daughter with a fucked up name (Ivanka sounds like I’m trying to pronounce something distasteful)?
Trump is obviously too stupid to figure out the Jerry Seinfeld school of ultimate television respect: quit while you’re ahead and make everyone miss you when you’re gone! Right now I just wish he would go away.
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